Job Search Workshop

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Job Search Workshops (JSW) provide jobseekers new to Canada with opportunities to meet and network as they learn job search skills and gather information about the Canadian labour market. Participants will understand trends in various sectors and gain insight on Canadian workplace culture. They will also develop and practice skills such as resume preparation, cold-calling employers, networking and interviewing.

Program Benefits Delivered by a Team of Employment Experts

  • A supportive environment to learn about job search strategies and Canadian employers’ perspectives
  • Employment needs assessment
  • One-on-one job search coaching
  • Highly interactive pre-employment training conducted in a computerized environment
  • Specialists who understand the job search needs of people new to Canada
  • Personalized action plans
  • Program Details & Eligibility

  • Delivered at the Orchid Emigration Scarborough location
  • Newcomer to Canada - Permanent Resident (PR), Landed Immigrant or Convention Refugee
  • 0 +

    Jobseekers Helped Each Year


    Employers In Our Network For You To Connect With

    0 +

    Years Of Experience Delivering Employment & Recruitment Services

    How can we help you find a job?

    Job Search Workshops (JSW) provide jobseekers new to Canada with opportunities to meet and network as they learn job search skills and gather information about the Canadian labour market. Participants will understand trends in various sectors and gain insight on Canadian workplace culture. They will also develop and practice skills such as resume preparation, cold-calling employers, networking and interviewing.

    Job search support

    and guidance including customized one-to-one support and a variety of job search workshops.

    Specialized services

    for women, youth, trades, French-language newcomers and newcomer entrepreneurs.

    Connections to employers

    who are hiring through job fairs, networking, mentoring and employment opportunities.

    Online services & programs:

  • Canadian Employment Connections (pre-arrival)
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Business Connections en Francais
  • Webinars and online resources

  • Programs & services across various professional sectors:

  • Construction Trades
  • Cybersecurity
  • Engineering
  • Finance
  • Hospitality
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Healthcare
  • Healthcare
  • Supply Chain